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Thursday, April 4, 2013


How does this work? Can I tweak it? How? Will there be any consequences?
Can I replace that? Is there a better version out there? Pros vs Cons? Price differences?
Why did that happen? Is it normal? How do I make sure it won't happen again?

Continual Improvement Process.
I like that. I didn't know about it 'til a few hours ago.
Kaizen is a short word with a long definition. Those words are great.

Perhaps I don't go by these exact rules, but I usually get interested in something and then I just dig deeper and deeper to learn as much as I can about it. This has happened with three main interests:
  • Music: Songwriting, arranging, recording, mixing, mastering
  • Coffee: Roasting, grinding, brewing, frothing, cupping
  • Food: Sauces, spices, meat, flavours, temperatures
I thought I'd start posting in these three sections.
I'll post things I already know and things I'm stumbling upon.

It'll be detailed information on details in details.

Why make it complicated?

Why not.

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